The Regulated School

Training, Consultancy and Ongoing Support

The educational landscape has changed.

Traditional teaching and behaviour management approaches are not fit for purpose. There are a growing number of pupils who are falling through the cracks of our school system and staff wellbeing is at an all time low.

It’s time to make the shift from reactive, consequence based practices that shame our children and exhaust staff, to creating learning experiences and environments that meet the developmental needs of pupils, strengthen self-regulation and foster safe relationships.

Empowering Educators for Positive Change

We understand the challenges that staff in school currently face. Pulling on over 25 years of experience of working in schools along with an extensive knowledge of attachment led and trauma informed practice, we have created a comprehensive training and support programme for teachers and support staff to help overcome these challenges.

Offering a well balanced mix of science and research alongside workable, practical applications, we build staff confidence in supporting pupils who present as dysregulated and distressed while creating proactive routines that strengthen executive functioning within pupils.

Targeted support for your school

In education there is no one size fits all.

Different schools need different things at different times, but with increasing cuts in specialist services as additional needs in classrooms rise, it’s no wonder that staff are on their knees.

Now more than ever, management teams, teachers and support staff need to be equipped with the knowledge, skills and ongoing support not only to meet the daily demands in the classroom but also to remain physically and emotionally healthy and well.

To help meet the needs of your staff, children and families and to take some of the pressure off school leadership teams, you can create a wish list of support that we will facilitate on your behalf.

You can choose from the following:

  • In consultation with you, we will develop a training programme for your staff based on the learning outcomes from our 'Regulated School' training.

    You can decide what specific concepts you would like us to focus on, as well as the duration of the session.

    Key learning - The Regulated School:

    • Understanding what drives behaviour.

    • How to translate school values into school culture.

    • Supporting children with a sensitive stress response system.

    • Understanding the impact of developmental trauma.

    • Supporting neurodivergent learners, understanding their unique needs and how to respond.

    • Creating school environments that promotes safety for all.

    • Responding to pupils who become distressed and dysregulated with confidence and compassion.

    • Setting effective rules and boundaries.

    • Exploring the power of co-regulation in building relationships..

    • Creating routines and interactions that strengthen regulation.

    • Exploring a proactive framework that develops executive functioning in pupils.

    • Creating collaborative, supportive routines for staff.

    If you have additional training needs, we would be happy to explore these with you.

  • Strengthening Regulation through Relationships has been specifically developed with support staff in mind. They are quite often asked to support children when they are at their most distressed and dysregulated. They tend to be the adults that pupils gravitate towards for help and advice.

    This training session acknowledges the difficulties of being a member of support staff in a school while developing an understanding of why children behave the way that they do. The content is trauma informed and attachment led. It will empower staff with knowledge and practical tools to sooth stress responses while nurturing relationships and strengthening regulation.

    Key Learning:

    • Looking beyond behaviour, what a child’s behaviour tell us about their internal state

    • Using the senses to soothe distress

    • Building relationships the PACE way

    • Establishing compassionate rules and boundaries

    • Strengthening regulation by using a proactive, collaborative framework.

  • Being a teacher is a highly skilled profession, but due to the complexity of the role it can sometimes be difficult to implement those skills day to day in the classroom, to settle, connect with and engage pupils.

    Our coaching sessions offer a non judgemental, collaborative space where teachers can reflect on their practice, build on what is going well while continuing to develop their knowledge and skill base.

    Teachers will be supported to create an action plan containing practical suggestions designed to develop positive relationships and predictable routines while supporting the development of regulation and resilience within pupils.

    Coaching sessions can be 1 to 1 or in a group setting.

  • While coaching develops knowledge and skills, Thinking Space supports staff wellbeing.

    Staff in schools are constantly co-regulating with numerous children throughout the day. Using their own nervous system to calm that of another can drain resources very quickly.

    In classrooms where there is a high level of need, staff are constantly on heightened alert, ready to respond and support. This is not sustainable over the long term. It is impossible for staff to remain compassionate and relational if they are running on empty.

    Thinking Space allows staff the time to stop, reflect and refuel in a safe, positive forum. To explore how to balance the demands of school, and what they can do to tend to their own needs on a daily basis.

    Sessions can be 1 to 1 or within a small group.

  • Parental engagement is an integral part of school life. But some parents need more engagement than others. The biannual parent evening, shared learning sessions and weekly newsletters just aren't enough.

    Parents and carers of children with Additional Support Needs can require extra communication, reassurance and support to assist them in preparing their child for the daily expectations of school life that others take for granted.

    A large proportion of management and teacher non class contact time can be absorbed by reassuring and responding to individual needs of parents and carers.

    We can provide the additional support and reassurance to parents of children with Additional Support Needs by offering 1 to 1 coaching or facilitating group support sessions. This allows parents a safe space to feel seen and heard. To help them make sense of why their child reacts in the way they do, respond to their developmental needs and offer practical support and guidance.

Minimum Targeted Support Package is 10 hours. Time can be increased in 5 hour increments thereafter.

Depending on location, support can be delivered face to face or remotely.

Training programmes

Have a browse through our suite of training programmes and ongoing support to decide which best meets the requirements of your school, then book a consultation to to allow us to tailor the session specifically to your needs.

If you would prefer you can email us at

  • The climate in which we teach is changing. The lived experiences of our children and young people today are different from those of a decade ago. Traditional systems and interventions for supporting pupils who find school settings challenging are no longer fit for purpose. There are a worrying number of pupils who are disengaging from school, who lack the skills required to cope with everyday demands and are expressing their difficulties and anxieties outwardly through their behaviours. With a growing number of pressures on management teams, teachers, and support staff, supporting children and young people who present as dysregulated in educational settings significantly impacts on the whole school population.

    This training programme adopts a whole school approach to creating systems, structures and routines that are implemented through relational, collaborative, compassionate approaches. It supports staff to develop an understanding of why pupils react and respond in the way that they do, to look through the lens of developmental stage and need, and to create positive, proactive routines that strengthen executive functioning.

    Key learning:

    • Understanding what drives behaviour.

    • How to translate school values into school culture.

    • Supporting children with a sensitive stress response system.

    • Understanding the impact of developmental trauma.

    • Supporting neurodivergent learners, understanding their unique needs and how to respond.

    • Creating school environments that promotes safety for all.

    • Responding to pupils who become distressed and dysregulated with confidence and compassion.

    • Setting effective rules and boundaries.

    • Exploring the power of co-regulation in building relationships..

    • Creating routines and interactions that strengthen regulation.

    • Understanding the crucial role that executive functions play in engagement and learning.

    • Strengthening executive functioning through collaborative coaching in the classroom.

    • Checking in with ourselves before we check in with pupils.

    • Identifying what we need to stay regulated and well.

    Training is consultant led with opportunities for staff to participate in reflective group activities and discussion. A training workbook accompanies the programme.

    An initial consultation with a member of the Senior Leadership Team is included to ensure that the training content meets the needs of the school.

    Depending on location, this training can be delivered face to face or virtually via Zoom or Teams platform. The session is interactive and allows staff the opportunity to collaborate, discuss and reflect.

    Duration: 6 hours in total, split into 2 or 3 sessions

    Cost for up to 30 delegates: £1000

    Cost for over 30 delegates: £1500

  • This course is a condensed version of The Regulated School. It allows schools, who have limited time available within their professional development programme, the opportunity to explore the benefits of trauma informed and attachment led approaches in strengthening executive functions.

    Key learning:

    • Understanding what drives behaviour.

    •Responding to pupils who become distressed and dysregulated with confidence and compassion.

    • Creating school environments that promotes safety for all.

    • Setting effective rules and boundaries.

    • Understanding the crucial role that executive functions play in engagement and learning.

    • Strengthening executive functioning through collaborative coaching in the classroom.

    Training is consultant led with opportunities for staff to participate in reflective group activities and discussion. A training workbook accompanies the programme.

    An initial consultation with a member of the Senior Leadership Team is included to ensure that the training content meets the needs of the school.

    Depending on location, this training can be delivered face to face or virtually via Zoom or Teams platform. The session is interactive and allows staff the opportunity to collaborate, discuss and reflect.

    Duration: 3 hours in total, can also be split into 2 sessions

    Cost for up to 30 delegates: £600

    Cost for over 30 delegates: £900

  • Support staff in schools play a pivotal role supporting some of our most vulnerable pupils yet are sometimes afforded the least amount of time to access good quality, relevant professional development.

    Strengthening Regulation through Relationships has been specifically developed with support staff in mind. They are quite often asked to support children when they are at their most distressed and dysregulated. They tend to be the adults that pupils gravitate towards for help and advice.

    This training session acknowledges the difficulties of being a member of support staff in a school while developing an understanding of why children behave the way that they do. The content is trauma informed and attachment led. It will empower staff with knowledge and practical tools to sooth stress responses while nurturing relationships and strengthening regulation.

    Key Learning:

    • Looking beyond behaviour, what a child’s behaviour tell us about their internal state

    • Using the senses to soothe distress

    • Building relationships the PACE way

    • Establishing compassionate rules and boundaries

    • Strengthening regulation by using a proactive, collaborative framework.

    Training is consultant led with opportunities for staff to participate in reflective group activities and discussion. A training workbook accompanies the programme.

    An initial consultation with a member of the Senior Leadership Team is included to ensure that the training content meets the needs of the school.

    Depending on location, this training can be delivered face to face or virtually via Zoom or Teams platform. The session is interactive and allows staff the opportunity to collaborate, discuss and reflect.

    Duration: 3 hours in total, can also be split into 2 shorter sessions if required.

    Cost: Up to 15 delegates £500

    Over 15 delegates £700

1 to 1 Coaching and Support for Teachers.

We all have points during our teaching career where we feel deskilled and lacking in confidence.

It's no wonder, spending 6 hours a day in a room with 30 children who all need different things at different times can feel physically and emotionally exhausting.

Sometimes, having the opportunity to talk through your struggles in a safe and supportive space with someone who has first hand experience of the complexities of teaching, can give you the support and confidence you need to not only survive in your classroom but thrive.

Our 1 to 1 coaching sessions with an Education Consultant, provides you with a safe, reflective space to speak openly and confidentially about challenges in your classroom. Using our knowledge and experience, we will support your professional development regarding regulation, relationships and resilience within your classroom, while suggesting lots of practical applications that will support classroom management, routines, transitions and engagement

Each session lasts 1 hour and can take place remotely after school, evenings or during NCCT.

Cost per hour: £100

Book now for a free initial consultation.

Key Highlights of "The Regulated School" Training and Teacher Support.

Whole School Approach: We believe that transformation starts with a whole-school commitment. Our training encourages a collective effort among educators to create a positive and nurturing environment for all pupils.

Topics for Transformation: Throughout the training and support we'll delve into essential topics, including:

  • Understanding the developing brain and nervous system.

  • Identifying what children need to settle and learn effectively.

  • The impact of insecure attachments and developmental trauma on stress responses.

  • Strategies for supporting neurodiverse children in school settings.

  • "Regulate – Reconnect – Respond," a three-tiered collaborative approach that improves relationships and outcomes.

  • Identifying and addressing unmet needs and lagging skills.

  • Creating sensory-aware learning environments.

  • Establishing positive, proactive routines in the classroom.

  • Creating compassionate boundaries

  • Collaborative approaches that strengthen executive functioning capabilities.

  • Fostering self-regulation within children and young people for long-term success.

  • Responding to adults' emotional needs and creating supportive environments for staff.

Book your free initial consultation today

Our training programmes provide staff with the knowledge, tools and confidence to do things differently and bring about change for the children and young people they teach and support.

If your school has specific training and support requirements that are not covered in the above courses, get in touch and we can create a bespoke programme for you.

Whatever your training or support needs are, come and have a conversation with us to explore how we can help your setting to become a ‘regulated school’.

If you prefer you can email us at

The time for change is now.


  • Ross Hunter. Head Teacher Gracemount High School

    Nicola McCallister worked with Gracemount High School throughout session 2023-24 and provided exceptional support and guidance to our school community. Her expertise in behaviour analysis and her compassionate approach has been invaluable in helping us create a positive and supportive learning environment for our students.

    Nicola provided training and professional development for our staff on behaviour management strategies, helping us to identify and address challenging behaviours in the classroom. She made recommendations for individual behaviour plans and worked in small groups with our staff to help address particular challenges faced. Her work is evidence-based and effective and her ongoing support and guidance for our school has been invaluable. Nicola’s commitment to collaborating with our teachers and support staff has been exceptional. She has consistently communicated clearly and effectively, ensuring that everyone is working together towards the same goals. Her willingness to listen to the concerns of our teachers and to provide practical solutions has been greatly appreciated.

     Nicola’s support has helped us to better understand the behaviour of our students and to create a learning environment that is positive, inclusive, and supportive. I would highly recommend her services to any school seeking behaviour support for their students.

  • Philip Hynan. Head Teacher St Michael’s Church of England Primary Academy

    Working with Nicola has been enlightening and thought provoking in equal measures. Nicola challenged us to think about the ways in which we viewed pupil behaviour and the ways that we responded to pupil behaviour. Her passion and knowledge of trauma informed practice has helped shape our policies and practices, while informing our views as professionals. Throughout our time working with Nicola, she has been on hand to offer guidance and nothing has been too much for her. Our staff have benefitted hugely from the time Nicola has invested in them as educators, but also as people. On a personal level, she has connected with our staff, never judging, but always supporting. I would highly recommend Nicola to any setting wishing to meet the emotional needs of their pupils.